The Yeo Boon Khim Mind Science Centre was founded in 2016 by a passionate and determined group of philanthropists and medical experts who volunteer their time and expertise to build preventive strategies to tackle mental health-care risk factors and early detection to serve the critical needs of the local community.
Unique in its distinctive Asian focus, Mind Science Centre combines the best tradition of Western scientific empiricism with Eastern philosophical thoughts. The Centre has been leading translational research and development of community active ageing programmes that:
- Aims to enhance emotional resilience and optimise cognitive performance.
- Through a life course, non-drug approach to preventive mental health.
- Targets the well and at-risk population.
Through innovating mind health with neuro-biological and social sciences, we shape a better understanding of the complex function of the human brain which in turn:
- Gives policymakers new insights and,
- Creates fresh opportunities to support individuals, families, and organisations in building and sustaining mental capacity and good mental health.
- With a long-term goal of improving mental resilience so that people in our community may prosper and thrive in our fast-changing environment.
Yeo Boon Khim Mind Science Centre is a research centre of National University of Singapore (NUS) and National University Health Systems (NUHS).
An Undefeated Mind – Building resilience across all ages
Catalyse mind health research using a non-drug, evidenced-based approach across the age continuum;
Build capacity through the training of healthcare professionals, caregivers and volunteers;
Create new values and innovative solutions through programme development and evaluation; and
Inform better policy.
An Undefeated Mind – Building resilience across all ages
Catalyse mind health research using a non-drug, evidenced-based approach across the age continuum;
Build capacity through the training of healthcare professionals, caregivers and volunteers;
Create new values and innovative solutions through programme development and evaluation; and
Inform better policy.
Donor Wall
The Mind Science Centre is a volunteer-driven organisation that focuses on academic research in mental health and the delivery of evidence-based community interventions. The Centre is largely dependent on public and private philanthropic support to defray the costs of capacity building, ongoing translational research and the roll-out of intervention programmes to communities across Singapore.
We deeply appreciate our distinguished donors for their heartfelt support to the Centre. In particular, we are grateful to Mr Lin Tah Hwa and his family for their generous gift of $6m, in memory of Mr Lin’s late mother, Madam Yeo Boon Khim. The Centre was officially launched as the Yeo Boon Khim Mind Science Centre on 5 May 2023 by Mr Teo Chee Hean, Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security.
The Centre has also benefitted from the two Professorships – Tan Geok Yin Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience and Lin Jo Yan and Yeo Boon Khim Professor in Mental Health and Neuroscience, which Mr Lin and his wife, Mdm Lucy Khoo generously donated to the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine in 2014 and 2017 respectively.
We also warmly acknowledge donors who wish to remain anonymous and a big Thank YOU to all volunteers, for their contributions. Your concerted support will enable the Centre to realise its mission to continually build emotional resilience and cognitive performance in the community, improving health outcomes now and the future.
Mind Science Centre Donor Wall
* Donors who have supported the Mind Science Centre and the Wee Sin Tho Memorial Fund.
- Lin Tah Hwa
- Lucy Khoo
- Della Suantio Lee & D.S. Lee Foundation
- Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple
- Lee Soon Teck
- Tow Heng Tan
- Tote Board
- Lee Kim Tah Holdings*
- The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
- Holywell Foundation
- TL Whang Foundation
- Wee Sin Tho
- William Hernstadt & Jerene Yap
- Hong Hai*
- Choo Chiau Beng*
- Mind the Gap 200 Fund
- QQCK Foundation
- AGOP (A Group of Philanthropists)
- Kua Ee Heok*
- Tan Kwang Hwee*
- Allan Ng Poh Meng*
- Nicholas Kong *
- Choo Heng Thong*
- Loh Boon Chye
- BinjaiTree*
- Inner Wheel Club Singapore West
- Family Business Network Asia
- Kewalram Singapore Limited
- The Silent Foundation Ltd*
- Hong Leong Foundation*
- KCTex International Limited
- Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery*
- UOL Group Limited*
- Wong Chee Meng John*
- Tay Miah Hiang*
- In memory of Mdm Chew Poh Yim
- Anastasia Tjendri-Liew*
- Lim Ho Kee*
- Danny Yong
- Tan Choon Huat*
- Kong Yuet Peng & Yeo Keng Joon
- Decision Science Agency Pte Ltd*
- Promises Healthcare Pte Ltd
- Keppel Care Foundation Limited
- President’s Challenge
- Bengawan Solo Pte Ltd
- Khoo Beng Hwa*
- Kwai Fong and Raymond Goh*
- Andreas Handayanto
- Goei Beng Kiong Alan
- Tracey Woon*
- Elisabeth de Rothschild*
- Mary Ann Tsao
- Alex Ng Zee Howe
- Lee Oi Kum
- Kwee Liong Seen*
- Catherine Tholasingam
- Chan Chia Lin
- Ho Tian Yee
- Hong How Wai David*
- Hsieh Fu Hua*
- Lai Lee Theng
- Lew Chiew Quan
- Lim Chin Huat
- Ng Lee Ngo
- Poh Boon Kher Melvin
- Tay Soo Hoe
- Thomas Chan Ho Lam
- Toh Soon Huat
- Estella Shi
- Kuek Chaio Jin Roy
- Liu Chee Ming
- Wong Yew Choo and Ho Geok Eng*
- Leo Tan (in memory of Maisie Tan nee Chan)
- Han Thong Kwang*
- Hu Hui Chen
- Chioy Poh Chan Claudia
- Henry Lim
- Kuo Yew Ting
- Margaret Lien
- Wong Kok Hoi
- Sonny Liew & Fiona Ng*
- Tan Kim Siong
- Chinese Women’s Association
- Pontiac Land Group
- Lucky Square Pte Ltd
- Saga Tree Capital Advisors Pte Ltd
- Goldbell Foundation*
- Wee Foundation
- Association Francais De Singapour
- Centra Grove Development Pte Ltd
- D.S. Lee Foundation
- MTM Skincare Pte Ltd
- MTW Enterprise Pte Ltd
- Pinnacle Assets Pte Ltd
In collective efforts, we are also pleased to recognise the charitable gifts of our many Friends
- Edi Fung
- Edward Lee
- Elisabeth de Rothschild
- Ma Kah Woh Paul
- Phua Aik Khng
- Sonny Liew & Fiona Ng
- Abdullah Tarmugi
- Dawn Loh
- Laureen Lee
- Lee Ah Boon
- Ong Choo Eng
- Sek Kwang Phing
- Tan Puay Hiang
- Lien Seow Wah
- Philip Tan Eng Seong
- Anne Wong Holloway
- Lee Li Eng
- Chris Chia
- Jeanette Gan
- Martin Heck
- Lim Yee Nah Anita
- Chiam Kwee Mui
- Wong Meng Cheong
- Maurice Tan Huck Liang
- Chan May Po Mabel
- Lee Lu Si
- Annie Mak
- Teo Siew Ann
- Leong Yue Wing
- Doris Ang
- Ang Seng Bin
- Linda Neo
- Cheong Choong Kong
- Diana Grove
- Lim Soo Ping
- Tay Seng Kong Louis
- Chen Zi Ying Chloe
- Myo K Zin
- Chow Wei Ling
- Landon Lim
- Chang Ping Ying
- Foo Keong Tatt
- Willian Liu Wei Hai
- Andy Loo
- Tan Lee Kheng
- Pang Qi Wen Fifi
- Radish Kaur Gagjit Singh
- Gordon Tan
- Chia Peng Chwan
- Loh Teck Seng
- Maythil Ravi Shankar
- Ng Pick Gate
- Holman Chin
- Fiona Shi
- Mok Chup Hung
- Denise Wong
- Andrew Tan Yong-Yi
- Ho Chee Wah
- Wong Te-Ting Dawn
- Lee Keng Li
- Chi Zhiying
- Lee Wen Qi
- Cynthia Yeow
- Mary Anne Tan
- Mr & Mrs Michael Kum
- Ho Geok Choo
- Mr and Mrs Andrew Ang
- CT and Amy Yao
- Wendy Thien (Lavender)
- Mr and Mrs Thendy Susanto
- Angeline Yap and Henry
- Mr and Mrs Paul Kok
- Ong Chee Ping
- Mike, Celine and Family
- Mr and Mrs Efendi Liauw & Mr and Mrs Sutiono
- Ho Kian Hock and Bee Yong
- Mr and Mrs Lim Boon Lye, BBM
- Tham Chung Yang and Xilin Yeo
- Rachel Wong
- Ludy and Haris Pranatajaya
- Santoso Jiemy, TjenTjen and Family
- Winardi, Elaine and Kelvin Pranatajaya
- Joy Thio
- Mr and Mrs Ong Chai
- Dr and Mrs Peter Eng
- Diana Lim
- Doreen Goh Poh Joo
- Mr and Mrs Tan Boon Huat
- Amy Khor
- Danny Leo and Family
- Peter Lai and Family
- Joan Tan (Ce Tjit)
- Imelda Joseph and Agustin
- Marius Weehuizen
- Gena Mc.Cully
- William Chung, BBM
- Poh Key Boon, BBM
- Aman, Afung, Anni, Muara and Enim
- Mona Benyamin and David
- Mr and Mrs Lendradi
- Cindy Ee
- Vanessa Ong
- Thomas Ong, BBM
- Teddy
- Poppy Gozal
- Clarisse Ong
- Lim Siong
- Lee Lay Koon
- Wendy Chin
- Wong Mar
- Cao Nung and Yun Pi
- Chiang Moi Jin
- Chiang Moi Yen
- Sheilla Tan
- Mr and Mrs Lee Boon Sai, PBM
- Satoyu Trading Pte Ltd
- Write Editions
Wee Sin Tho Memorial Fund
We gratefully appreciate these special friends who so generously supported the Mind Science Centre and the Wee Sin Tho Memorial Fund. We also take a deep bow to our distinguished donors who preferred to remain anonymous.
- TL Whang Foundation
- Holywell Foundation
- Hong Hai
- Kua Ee Heok
- Soo Eng Hiong
- Choo Chiau Beng
- Allan Ng Poh Meng
- Nicholas Kong
- Wan Boo Sow Family
- Binjal Family
- Lee Kim Tah Holdings Limited
- Goh Geok Khim
- Goh Yew Lin
- James & Natalie Loh
- Michael Lien
- Oi Hian & Sandra Lee
- Tan Chorh Chuan
- UOL Group Limited
- OC Partners Pte Ltd
- Tay Miah Hiang
- Emily Wee
- Tan Choon Keat Tony
- Kwai Fong and Raymond Goh
- Khoo Beng Hwa
- Anastasia Tjendri-Liew
- Choo Heng Thong
- Daniel Teo Tong How
- Lim Ho Kee
- Tan Choon Huat
- Tan Kwang Hwee
- Wong Yew Choo and Ho Geok Eng
- Wong Chee Meng John
- Daniel Chan Choong Seng
- Hong How Wai David
- Kwee Liong Seen
- Lee Kwok Kie Patrick
- Ngo Lin Ai
- Pang Cheng Lian
- Robert JT Morris
- Tracey Woon
- Hong Leong Foundation
- The Silent Foundation Ltd
- Decision Science Agency Pte Ltd
- Goldbell Foundation
- Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery
Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of donor acknowledgements. Should you notice an error, or prefer that we list you differently in future acknowledgements, please email Wileen @ wileen@nus.edu.sg
Named Professorships
We are very grateful for the support of our magnanimous donors, Mr Lin Tah Hwa and Mdm Lucy Khoo who have contributed to two named Professorships – Tan Geok Yin Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, and, Lin Jo Yan and Yeo Boon Khim Professor in Mental Health and Neuroscience.
Singapore has one of the world’s most rapidly ageing populations. By 2030, the elderly will comprise up to 20 per cent of Singapore’s population. The understanding and management of cognitive disorders in the elderly are of crucial importance to the country and is one of the areas that will benefit from the establishment of the Tan Geok Yin Professorship at the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine’s Department of Psychology. The Professorship is named after Madam Tan Geok Yin, the first wife of Tan Sri Khoo Teck Puat. Mr and Mrs Khoo married when he was just 16 years old in 1934. She was a devoted wife and mother, instilling values and ethics to her seven children – two boys and five girls. Madam Tan passed away in 1972.
The research team at the Department studied aspects of cognitive impairment in the elderly and determined the impact of risk factors such as nutrition, cardiometabolic factors, gene interactions, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory biomarkers on cognition. The team reaches out to the community to identify the elderly at risk of cognitive decline and explore psychological, social and lifestyle measures to pre-empt potential cognitive disorders. They have also developed interventions, such as Brief Integrative Psychological Therapy and Mindfulness Therapy. The Department also runs the Gerontology Research Programme, which aims to help the understanding of population ageing transition and provide the scientific information needed for formulating strategies of disease prevention and health promotion. Multi-disciplinary research groups establish cohorts of elderly subjects, both healthy and ill, for research, addressing all levels of intervention and care: primary preventive, primary care, hospital, community hospital, and nursing homes. Projects include: dementia, depression, mind-body nexus and active ageing. The Tan Geok Yin Professorship will help the University build on its achievements in the areas of ageing, psychiatry and neuroscience over the next few years. The Professorship was established by Mdm Lucy Khoo to commemorate her mother, Mdm Tan Geok Yin.
Professor Kua Ee Heok is the Tan Geok Yin Professor in Psychiatry and Neuroscience at Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, and Emeritus Consultant, National University Hospital.
“I was born in the Year of the Bull and so was destined to work long and hard for someone else,” Mr Lin Jo Yan once quipped. Indeed, it was hard work that Mr Lin also named as an important value that brought him success with the Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation (OCBC) in the five decades of his career there. Mr Lin joined OCBC in 1932 as one of its first employees, a humble clerk earning all of $35 a month. Singapore’s oldest bank was to be his one and only employer, for Mr Lin rose quickly through the ranks, working through its crucial growing years to eventually lead it as General Manager and Director. As the largest local banking organisation in the 1960s, OCBC played an active role in the economic development of Malaysia and Singapore, a time that gave Mr Lin great satisfaction. Until the two countries separated, he also held the post of Chairman of the Association of Banks in Malaysia and Singapore for eight years. Under Mr Lin’s leadership, OCBC continued its surge forward, with a newspaper calling it “solid as a rock” in a tribute. He retired in 1977, but stayed on the bank’s board for another ten years before stepping down. Mr Lin always described himself firmly as “a practical man”. Although not given to sentimentality, Mr Lin cared greatly about good relations between management and staff, and between staff and customers.
The Lin Jo Yan and Yeo Boon Khim Professorship in Mental Health was established by Mr Lin Tah Hwa in 2017 to commemorate his parents, Mr Lin Jo Yan and Madam Yeo Boon Khim. With the endowment, NUS Medicine aims to appoint an expert in psychiatric and psychological medicine to advance the field. The role will be pivotal in enhancing the Department of Psychological Medicine’s ongoing efforts to develop mental health in young Singaporeans, and energise the collaboration with other specialties such as paediatrics and adult psychiatry. The post encompasses the teaching and supervision of students as well as translational research.
Associate Professor John Wong Chee Meng is the Lin Jo Yan and Yeo Boon Khim Professor in Mental Health and Neuroscience at Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore,
Director, Mind Science Centre and Senior Consultant Psychiatrist, Dept of Psychological Medicine, National University of Singapore & National University Hospital.
The Della Suantio Lee Professorship in Mental Health and Digital Science aims to support cutting-edge research in understanding, diagnosing, and treating mental health conditions through digital technologies like AI and big data analytics. This prestigious position will attract and retain leading academics, enhance institutional reputation, and contribute to academic excellence. The appointed Professor will develop and lead educational programmes, training the next generation of researchers and practitioners. The Professorship will foster interdisciplinary collaboration and innovative solutions, facilitating partnerships with academic institutions, healthcare providers, and industry leaders. It will also engage the broader community, raising awareness about mental health issues and promoting digital tools in mental health care.
The endowed Professorship is made possible as part of a generous $3 million donation from the D.S. Lee Foundation to the Mind Science Centre. As stated by Dr Della Lee, “to give is better than to receive,” this significant contribution underscores the Foundation’s commitment to the future of mental health research and education. By investing in the mind, the Foundation believes it is investing in the well-being of countless individuals and communities.
This gift is a testament to their deep respect for the work being done at NUS and their hope that it will fuel groundbreaking discoveries and support those in need. Research conducted under this Professorship aims to translate scientific discoveries into practical applications that improve mental health care, policy, and practice, ultimately pushing the boundaries of knowledge and creating a significant real-world impact.
Flagship Events
Tow Tiang Seng Distinguished Lecture
The Tow Tiang Seng Distinguished Lecture Series brings internationally and nationally eminent and respected thought leaders to speak on issues of key importance to developing mental resilience across all ages. Established in 2019, the lecture supports the Mind Science Centre’s mission to innovate mind health with biological and social science through translational research in the community to build an undefeated mind. From businessmen and scientists to political figures and celebrities, each event is unique and designed to inform, inspire new ideas and spark collaborative interest. The lecture series is made possible by the generous donation of Mr Tow Heng Tan, in honour of his father – the late Mr Tow Tiang Seng. It is held annually and open to anybody with an interest in mental health to attend.